Liam Gillick's installation The hopes and dreams of the workers as they wandered home from the bar (2005) is exhibited as part of 24/7: Work between meaning and imbalance, Kunsthaus Graz.
The exhibition examines the often precarious aspects of artistic and cultural work, posing questions about the blurring of boundaries between letting oneself be exploited and self-realisation. One part of the exhibition space is available for new productions and performative art projects, which will allow the exhibition to grow as it runs.
Parallel to the exhibition at the Kunsthaus Graz, the History Museum, in an exhibition titled It’s All Work, draws on historic press photographs from the Foto Blaschka agency to tell of the imbalance in the world of work and the massive inequalities between the sexes still existing today. A new artistic production based on the Blaschka Photo Archive will be on show in both exhibitions. A new artistic production based on the Blaschka Photo Archive will be on show in both exhibitions.
Exhibition artists: Maja Bajević, Julien Berthier, Louisa Clement, Manuel Correa & Marina Otero Verzier, Jeremy Deller, Antje Ehmann & Harun Farocki, Aldo Giannotti, Liam Gillick, Lisa Großkopf, Andreas Gursky, Theresa Hattinger & Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel, Tehching Hsieh, Johanna Kandl, Peter Kogler, KURS (Miloš Miletić, Mirjana Radovanović), Luiza Margan, Pia Mayrwöger, Sam Meech, Michail Michailov, Elisa Giardina Papa, Nika Radić, Martha Rosler, Sebastian Schmieg & Silvio Lorusso, Christoph Schwarz, Selma Selman, Santiago Sierra, Lia Sudermann & Simon Nagy, Oliver Walker
The exhibition "24/7" is a cooperation with "Alles Arbeit" at the Museum für Geschichte.