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Liam Gillick
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Gerard Byrne
Richard Gorman
Paul Winstanley
Dublin Gallery Weekend
Winter Warmer
Justin Fitzpatrick
Liliane Tomasko
Mark Francis
Dorothy Cross
Like the light at the beginning of the world
Samuel Laurence Cunnane
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain
Callum Innes
William McKeown
Victoria Morton | Merlin James
Aleana Egan
Brian Maguire
Andy Fitz
Stephen McKenna
Willie Doherty
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Zhou Li
Sean Scully
Jan Pleitner
Mark Francis
Sam Keogh
Isabel Nolan
Daniel Rios Rodriguez
Marcel Vidal
Merlin James
Elizabeth Magill
Kathy Prendergast
Lawrence Weiner
Double-M, Double-X
Samuel Laurence Cunnane
Richard Gorman
Jaki Irvine
Eoin Mc Hugh
Dorothy Cross
Last day of May
Hannah Fitz
Liliane Tomasko
Mark Francis
Liam Gillick
Sean Scully
Daniel Rios Rodriguez
Face to Face
Dorothy Cross, Aleana Egan, Siobhán Hapaska, Isabel Nolan, Kathy Prendergast
Jan Pleitner
Sam Keogh
Gerard Byrne
Stephen McKenna
Callum Innes
Hannah Fitz, Áine McBride, Daniel Rios Rodriguez and Marcel Vidal
Paul Winstanley
Aleana Egan
Phillip Allen
Siobhán Hapaska
Kathy Prendergast
Willie Doherty
Brian Maguire
Merlin James
Richard Gorman
Jan Pleitner
Liliane Tomasko
William McKeown
David Godbold
Sean Scully
Samuel Laurence Cunnane
Isabel Nolan
Paul Seawright
Eoin Mc Hugh
Dorothy Cross
Deep One Perfect Morning
Mark Garry
Samuel Laurence Cunnane and Ryan Moffett
Nicholas Keogh
Anita Delaney and Pádraig Spillane
Seamus Harahan
Willie Doherty
Paul Winstanley
Sam Keogh
Liam Gillick
Phillip Allen
Aleana Egan
Mark Francis
Siobhán Hapaska & Stephen McKenna
Merlin James
Callum Innes
13.07.12 - 31.08.12
Willie Doherty
Liliane Tomasko
William McKeown
Richard Gorman
Sean Scully
Siobhán Hapaska
Jaki Irvine
Brian Maguire
Paul Seawright
Elizabeth Magill
Phil Collins
Stephen McKenna
Norbert Schwontkowski
Barrie Cooke
Liam Gillick
Dorothy Cross & William McKeown
Mark Garry
Isabel Nolan
Kathy Prendergast
Mark Francis
Eoin Mc Hugh
Phillip Allen
Paul Winstanley
Sean Shanahan
Merlin James
David Godbold
Nicholas Byrne and Benedikt Hipp
Jaki Irvine
Celebrating 20 Years
Brian Maguire
Stefan Brüggeman
Barrie Cooke
Less is more - more could be Less
Stephen McKenna
Kathy Prendergast
Sean Scully
Dorothy Cross
Isabel Nolan
Felim Egan
Liam Gillick
Willie Doherty
Richard Gorman
Elizabeth Magill
Barrie Cooke
Norbert Schwontkowski
Mark Francis
William McKeown
Paul Seawright
Merlin James
Phillip Allen
Incorrigible, Sentimental
Maureen Gallace
Tony Swain
Paul Winstanley
Sean Shanahan
David Godbold
Chung Eun-Mo
Stephen McKenna
Garry, Swain, Vickery
Phil Collins
Sean Scully
Callum Innes
Jaki Irvine
Siobhán Hapaska
Barrie Cooke
Merlin James
Allen, Cooper, McDevitt
Architecture Schmarchitecture
Brian Maguire
Richard Gorman
Felim Egan
Willie Doherty
Paul Winstanley
Fionnuala Ni Chiosain
William McKeown
Dorothy Cross
Eight New Paintings
Phil Collins
Stephen McKenna
Merlin James
Brian Maguire
Summer Exhibition
Barrie Cooke
Albert Oehlen
David Godbold
Chung Eun-Mo
Siobhán Hapaska
Mark Francis
Callum Innes
Willie Doherty
John Currin, Cheryl Donegan, Ellen Gallagher and Sean Landers
Gallery Artists
Kevin Appel and Carter Potter
Stephen McKenna
Book Store
Gerard Byrne in conversation with Daniel Birnbaum
Brian Maguire, Lamentation
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, The Dream Pool Intervals
Sean Scully, The Horizontal and The Vertical
Dorothy Cross in The Gorgeous Nothings: Flowers at Chatsworth
Sean Scully
Isabel Nolan, The Hum of Earth’s Uneven Breath
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain in Programmed Universes
Jaki Irvine, Ssh Ow
Kathy Prendergast, Stasis Field
Book Launch: Dorothy Cross, Kinship
Kathy Prendergast in Magma Rising: A Journey to the Centre of Icelandic Volcanoes
Walkthrough: Richard Gorman, Japan
The Life of Brian (Maguire)
Aleana Egan, William McKeown & Marcel Vidal in All Flowers in Time Bend Towards the Sun
Sam Keogh Performance + Talk
Gerard Byrne, Dorothy Cross, Willie Doherty, Siobhán Hapaska, Brian Maguire in IMMA Collection: Art as Agency
Samuel Laurence Cunnane, Sleight
Elizabeth Magill in Moments of Being – Contemporary Irish Painting
Isabel Nolan to represent Ireland at the 2026 Venice Biennale
2025 Programme
Isabel Nolan in 13th Liverpool Biennale: Bedrock
Christmas Events & Opening Hours
Willie Doherty & Paul Seawright in The 80s: Photographing Britain
Kathy Prendergast in Land
Dublin Gallery Weekend at Kerlin Gallery
Kites Above the Castles
Justin Fitzpatrick in conversation with Thomas Conchou
Dublin Gallery Weekend
Gerard Byrne & Judith Wilkinson, On Television, Beckett
Sean Scully: A romantic geometry of colors
Willie Doherty, Remnant
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain in Lahore Biennale
Brian Maguire, La Grande Illusion
Zhou Li in 2nd Wuhan Biennale
Siobhán Hapaska in Great Women Sculptors
Gerard Byrne, Jielemeguvvie guvvie sjisjnjeli – Film inside an image
Sam Keogh, The Hunters Enter the Woods Cartoon
Culture Night at Kerlin Gallery
Nathalie Du Pasquier & Olivier Mosset, 1+1=3
Beyond the Line: Stefan Gierowski and Sean Scully
Liliane Tomasko in conversation with Kelly Grovier
Liam Gillick in 15th Gwangju Biennale
Gerard Byrne, Kathy Prendergast in Pruːf
Sean Scully, Away from the Sea
Nathalie Du Pasquier, La Galerie
Jan Pleitner, Land in Sicht
Sean Scully, Broadway Shuffle
Willie Doherty, Ailbhe Ní Bhriain in SUSPENSE
Aleana Egan and Isabel Nolan, Material Flux
Sam Keogh in The Paper Biennial 2024
Sean Scully, Blur The Edges, Love One Another
Dorothy Cross in Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood
Sean Scully
Isabel Nolan and William McKeown in Take a Breath
Sam Keogh, The Hunters Enter The Woods Cartoon
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, An Experiment with Time
Zhou Li, Four Seasons
Dorothy Cross in conversation with Niall MacMonagle
Liam Gillick in Survival in the 21st Century
Liam Gillick in 6th Mardin Bienali
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain in Innsbruck International 2024
Liam Gillick in 24/7: Work between meaning and imbalance
Sean Scully, Géographies
Liam Gillick in No Ghost Just A Shell
Willie Doherty, Remnant
Richard Gorman, Elizabeth Magill, Brian Maguire and Sean Scully in Sacred Trust: Donations and their Legacy
Nathalie du Pasquier in Fortuna
Liliane Tomasko in Risky Business: A Painter's Forum
Sean Scully in Celestial Mechanics: Form and Future in the Work of Gerhard Richter and Sean Scully
Aleana Egan, Second-hand
Siobhán Hapaska in LOEWE Crafted World
Justin Fitzpatrick, Ballotta
Callum Innes, Cadmium Orange Red Violet Lamp Black
Sam Keogh, Pages from The Hunters Enter the Woods Cartoon
Dorothy Cross in Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood
Nathalie Du Pasquier, Arrangements 1993-2023
Isabel Nolan Book Launch
Samuel Laurence Cunnane Artist Walkthrough
Elizabeth Magill in Faraway So Close
Dorothy Cross & Kathy Prendergast in A Matter of Time
Dorothy Cross in Cave Fascination
Willie Doherty in Art in Democracy
Sam Keogh, Lagos Biennale 2024
Richard Gorman, Living through paint(ing)
Zhou Li, Rose of Light
Sean Scully & Oisin Scully Reading Events
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain in Formes de la ruine
Samuel Laurence Cunnane in Radical Archaeologies
Dorothy Cross, William McKeown in Other Worlds
Siobhán Hapaska, Medici Lion
Liliane Tomasko, The Artist's Eye
Callum Innes in conversation with Fiona Bradley
Dublin Gallery Weekend
Liam Gillick in the 14th Shanghai Biennale
Sean Scully in Artists Choose Parrish Part III
Dorothy Cross in The Recent
Liliane Tomasko in TWO x TWO
Sean Scully, Géographies
Sam Keogh, The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle Cartoon
Dorothy Cross in Reimag(in)ing the Victorians
Pop-up Bookshop
Gerard Byrne in Le temps de Giacometti (1946–1966)
Liliane Tomasko in Austria–Germany Painting 1970 to 2020
Mark Francis, Phillip Allen in 8am in London, Midnight in LA
Merlin James, Some Steps
Dorothy Cross KINSHIP talk
Dorothy Cross, Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, Isabel Nolan in Following Threads
Dorothy Cross in RHA West
Brian Maguire in Converge 45
Andy Fitz in Move – Set – Move
Guggi, Memory to Form
Brian Maguire artist talk
Andy Fitz, Dorothy Cross in The Art of Sport
Willie Doherty, Paul Seawright in Landscape Trauma
Liam Gillick in Vilnius Biennale of Performance Art 2023
Brian Maguire in Then I laid the floor
Sam Keogh, The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle Cartoon
Sean Scully, Arles Nacht Vincent
Marcel Vidal in MAKING ART: Sculpting
Andy Fitz, Stumped! Again!
Brian Maguire, law of the land
Sam Keogh, The Unircorn Surrenders To A Maiden Cartoon
Nathalie Du Pasquier, paintings of things. paintings as objects
Merlin James & Victoria Morton
Jaki Irvine & Locky Morris billboard
Samuel Laurence Cunnane and Ailbhe Ní Bhriain in THIS RURAL
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain on RTÉ The Works Presents
Jan Pleitner, Jenseits der Leere (Beyond the Emptiness)
Liam Gillick and Hito Steyerl, However Many Times We Ran The Model The Results Were Pretty Much The Same
Brian Maguire in Bodywork
Nathalie Du Pasquier in The Financial Times
Elizabeth Magill in Arcadia for All? Rethinking Landscape Painting Now
Sean Scully, Smaller Than The Sky
Sean Scully, Landline
Merlin James
Isabel Nolan in ArtReview
Aleana Egan, Repeating Song
Liliane Tomasko in The Brooklyn Rail
Jaki Irvine in Dublin Sound Lab
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain in Hollow Earth: Art, Caves and the Subterranean Imaginary
Liam Gillick, Filtered Time
Painter to Painter: Diana Copperwhite & Liliane Tomasko
Brian Maguire in The Irish Times
Hannah Fitz in Frieze
Isabel Nolan, 499 seconds
Richard Gorman, Living through paint(ing)
Jaki Irvine, Re_sett_ing_s
Brian Maguire, The Clock Winds Down
Siobhán Hapaska in Trickster Figures
Liliane Tomasko, Name Me Not
Dorothy Cross, Kinship
Aleana Egan, Samuel Laurence Cunnane in BEADS
Hannah Fitz, Lookieloo
Zhou Li in Greater Than Abstraction
Zhou Li in 9th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture
Reflections on Stephen McKenna
Art Basel Miami Beach
Stephen McKenna, the sixties
Isabel Nolan
Sean Scully, Passenger
Sam Keogh, splinter (e01)
Liam Gillick, La Pista 500
Jaki Irvine, Re_sett_ing_s
Exhibition walkthrough with Willie Doherty & Declan Long
Kathy Prendergast, Breaking the Mould: Sculpture by Women since 1945
Liam Gillick, A Variability Quantifier (The Fogo Island Red Weather Station)
Willie Doherty, IS AND IS NOT
Booksale Bonanza
Dorothy Cross in Tangible Nothing
Sean Scully, Material World
Dorothy Cross, Kathy Prendergast in Bones in the Attic
Aleana Egan, Yūgen
Dorothy Cross, Performing PAC: Take me to the place I love
Kathy Prendergast, Earth: Digging Deep in British Art 1781-2022
Gerard Byrne, Willie Doherty & Paul Seawright, PhotoIreland 2022
Liliane Tomasko, S P E L L O F T H E W O O D
Sean Scully, A Wound in a Dance with Love
Guggi, A Retrospective
Zhou Li, Water and Dreams
Jan Pleitner, Temperatures of Time
'Abstraction seemed a dust bowl, but Sean Scully made it bloom again'
Sean Scully, Painting and Sculpture
Zhou Li, Tracing Peach Blossom Spring
Marcel Vidal, GENERATION2022: New Irish Painting
Sean Scully, The Shape of Ideas
Liam Gillick, Color as Program
Sean Scully, Song of Colors
Jan Pleitner, Temperatures of Time
Liam Gillick, Project Palace, a centenary
Liliane Tomasko, Evening Wind
Liam Gillick, A Max De Vos
Kathy Prendergast, Breaking the Mould: Sculpture by Women since 1945
Mark Francis, Re-Echo
Brian Maguire, In the Light of Conscience
William McKeown
Mark Francis
Dorothy Cross, Crossing
Elizabeth Magill, Bringing to Light
Paul Winstanley, A Century of the Artist’s Studio: 1920 – 2020
Aleana Egan, Sampler
Brian Maguire, Isabel Nolan, Odysseys
Merlin James with Gracie DeVito and Gabriel de la Moro
Aemi & IFI present: So, what did you do today? Films selected by Isabel Nolan
Sam Keogh, Rethinking Nature
Sean Scully, Passenger
William McKeown by Bryan Martin
Sean Scully, Liliane Tomasko in 'Andy Warhol to Cecily Brown from the Collections of the Albertina Museum'
Remains by Brian Maguire review — stark images of a world on the move by Cristín Leach
Jaki Irvine, Star (1994) and Sweettooth (1993)
What Will You Do with the Days? An Interview with Sam Keogh by Frank Wasser
Solar Attraction: Interview with Isabel Nolan by Brian McAvera
Brian Maguire: 'There were images I couldn’t use, they were just too frightening' by Marc O'Sullivan Vallig
Elizabeth Magill, TWO x TWO for AIDS and Art
Aleana Egan, Feeling of Knowing
Paul Seawright, Beasts of Burden
Dorothy Cross, Aleana Egan, The Museum of Ancient History
Marcel Vidal, Wayward Eye
Isabel Nolan, We Are The Makers: Episode Three
Sam Keogh, Sated Soldier, Sated Peasant, Sated Scribe
Brian Maguire, Remains
Sam Keogh, Trouble in Outer Heaven: Portable Ops Plus
Elizabeth Magill, Unsettling Landscapes: The Art of the Eerie
Merlin James, Mixing It Up: Painting Today
Liliane Tomasko, Morpheus
Liliane Tomasko and Sean Scully: From The Real
Isabel Nolan, A delicate bond which is also a gap
Sean Scully, The Shape of Ideas
Willie Doherty, WHERE
Jaki Irvine, ro' ro'
Sean Scully, Eleuthera
Aleana Egan, small field